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At the age of ten life seems simple, it's all about running jumping and climbing trees. By eighteen you have discovered the opposite sex, alcohol and nightclubs. By twenty five you are your own person, confident and full of life. Suddenly you hit thirty. You find yourself questioning your choices from the years that have past, feeling slightly left on the shelf, wondering where your life is heading, juggling family and friends and faced with ever aging parents. You are not alone, welcome to 30 years and countinga sideways look at life in your thirties.

A weekend of weddings and birthdays

So there has been no blog posts for a few days now. Were you worried about me? I’m going with probably not. For the few of you who do give a shit fear not I haven’t fallen off the earth but have instead just been a bit busy. To be honest it has been a bit of a busy year. It seems that just about every weekend so far we have had some event or do to go to. Don’t get me wrong however, it is nice to get out and see people even if it does mean I had to miss the F1 this week.

This weekend was all about family. Firstly we had my Dad’s 65th birthday on the Saturday and then Maz and I went to her cousins wedding on the Sunday. My Dad’s birthday was only a small do. We went up the road to their house and did the usual routine of giving presents. My sister, Julie, and I had gone in together and got my Dad a copy of the newspaper from the day he was born which he seemed pleased with. Although in my experience when buying presents for parents you can never really tell if your efforts are actually well received. After the exchanging of gifts my Mum and Dad popped out for a few hours while Maz, Julie, her boyfriend Arthur and I put together a small buffet while trying to entertain my four year old niece Lacie.

Upon the return of my parents we all tucked in to the small feast we had made of salad, pork pies, sausage rolls, crisps, dips and other assorted party foods. This was of course followed by the birthday cake and a quick out of tune rendition of “Happy birthday to you” before we finally called it a night with a big bowl of Maz’s homemade trifle. The highlight of the day was a video message my Dad’s sister and family that they had made for him all the way from Canada which brought a tear to his eye. Everyone had a nice time including, most importantly, my Dad. Now all I have to do is worry what to do about my parent’s 40th wedding anniversary next year.

Sunday then saw us up early, dressed in our best clothes and on our way to Essex for a wedding. The wedding of Maz’s cousin Simon to his bride Lenka to be precise. We got totally lost on the way there. Thanks a lot Google maps. In the end we had to pull over and ask for directions from a local who gave me one of those looks which instantly said “you are going where? You are not even close buddy.” Eventually we found the venue and had a lovely day. The bride looked very nice in a rather large white dress and the food at the wedding breakfast was some of the best I have ever had.

That then was my weekend. Celebrations all round. I am however looking forward to some peace and quiet next weekend. No wait, I am putting up a new fence for my Dad. Hmm, maybe the one after that then. No rest for the wicked I guess.

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