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At the age of ten life seems simple, it's all about running jumping and climbing trees. By eighteen you have discovered the opposite sex, alcohol and nightclubs. By twenty five you are your own person, confident and full of life. Suddenly you hit thirty. You find yourself questioning your choices from the years that have past, feeling slightly left on the shelf, wondering where your life is heading, juggling family and friends and faced with ever aging parents. You are not alone, welcome to 30 years and countinga sideways look at life in your thirties.

30something club

Are you a blogger in your thirties? Then come and join the 30something club. It is the perfect place to show off your blog, meet new friends and find likeminded people. Joining the club is completely free. You get a free badge or banner to display on your website and best of all a  link to direct some of our 45.000 readers to your site. So what then are you waiting for? If you would like to join our list then drop us an email by clicking here. See the bottom of this page for full terms and conditions.
  • The list
Blog name: 30 years and counting (click to visit) 
Blogger(s): Martin + Guests
About: At the age of ten life seems simple, it's all about running jumping and climbing trees. By eighteen you have discovered the opposite sex, alcohol and nightclubs. By twenty five you are your own person, confident and full of life. Suddenly you hit thirty. You find yourself questioning your choices from the years that have past, feeling slightly left on the shelf, wondering where your life is heading, juggling family and friends and faced with ever aging parents. You are not alone, welcome to 30 years and counting; a sideways look at life in your thirties.

  • Terms and conditions
  1. Entry to the club is free.
  2. In order to be listed you must be a blogger who posts regularly and be aged between 30-39 years old at the time of joining. Once listed you will remain listed regardless of how old you get (we won’t tell).
  3. All club members are required to display the club logo and link back to the club listing. This gives everyone an equal chance to attract traffic and discover other great blogs.
  4. Joining the club does not give you the right to post on 30 years and counting.
  5. All blogs are treated equally and get the same size listing.
  6. From time to time we might contact you offering you the chance to guest post on 30 years and counting. Doing so will increase your exposure to more possible traffic. We respect your right to decline.
  7. We reserve the right to reject your request to join or remove your blog from our listing without notice.
  8. Further features for the club are planned for the future such as awards, featured listings and other such traffic driving ideas. We will notify you of all planned changes in advance.
  9. You may leave the club at anytime by contacting us. It may take a few days for your listing to be removed. 

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Do you like our site? Have you got something to say? If you are approaching or in your thirties and would like to write a piece for us then we would love to here from you.