Here is a rather funny clip of Johnny Vegas (a British comedian) talking about his memories of chatrooms back in the 90's on the TV show Room 101. He sums it up perfectly.
Sadly technology developed and instant messaging systems took over. But we owe a great deal to these early chatrooms. Firstly they paved the way for the technology that was to follow. They established with the forums through trial and error rules and etiquette for messaging which we now follow (for example we all know that typing in capitals is considered shouting). They introduced the world to the "Poke" and other such basic actions which are still to be found on sites like Facebook. They functioned as the first breeding grounds for online role playing which grew to become games such as World of Warcraft. Most importantly they defined many of the words which have now become part of not just the language of the Internet but also our everyday lives, examples include lol, brb and lmao to name but a few. They may have been simple but social networks would not be what they are today without them.
The traditional version of the chatroom has died a bit of a death due to the fact that they never worked that well to start with. Most have been replaced by Java scripts or alike. To be honest I'm yet to find a really good traditional style chatroom so once again it is over to you, if you know of one then do get in touch. Yahoo offers a number of chatrooms through its messenger system and this seems to be the most popular form of the modern chatroom, you can find details about it here. As a side note there is also a Facebook group for those who used Hotelchat.com which you can join. There is even talk of relaunching the chatroom once again. You can find the group here.