Well I promised a post a week and look here I am. Okay so I am cutting it a bit close to the end of the week but nonetheless here at least is the post I promised. I would have written it earlier today but to be honest I was nursing a hangover and then stuffing myself with a venison burger. Why the hangover? Because this weekend we headed out on the town to celebrate Maz’s birthday as she creeps ever close to the big 30.
At the age of ten life seems simple, it's all about running jumping and climbing trees. By eighteen you have discovered the opposite sex, alcohol and nightclubs. By twenty five you are your own person, confident and full of life. Suddenly you hit thirty. You find yourself questioning your choices from the years that have past, feeling slightly left on the shelf, wondering where your life is heading, juggling family and friends and faced with ever aging parents. You are not alone, welcome to 30 years and counting; a sideways look at life in your thirties.
A new year and a new outlook
And so a new year is upon us. 2012. If some people are to be believed this will be the last year any of us see as the world comes to an abrupt end (Just before Christmas too, bummer). There are many great things about a new year but for most of us it is a chance to make a resolution and attempt to recreate yourself as a new and improved version usually with the added bonus of 20% less fat. We have all done it and normally these attempts at reinvention last for the first few months before we revert to our regular life long habits. For me however this new year does bring great promise and the chance to turn my life around from what it has been for the past few years.
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Last weekend was Louise’s 30th birthday which you can read about and watch the video for here . To celebrate we all got together in a pub. ...
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I have often said to Maz that the person you will be in five years time is not the same person that you are now. Things change and your vi...
If there is one thing that I love to do then it is cooking. Cooking and eating new foods is one of life’s little pleasures and I really don...
And so a new year is upon us. 2012. If some people are to be believed this will be the last year any of us see as the world comes to an ...
So on Friday the 29th of April 2011 the world was gathered around the television to watch as Prince William got married to his university s...
Although this blog is pretty much about me and stuff that happens in my life sometimes world events are of such historical importance that ...
I am a bloke which means that sooner or later this blog was always going to get around to talking about breasts. When it comes to the whole...
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Being ginger or at least a redhead here in the UK often means that you are mocked. Most of us went to school with a redhead or at least kno...
A few years ago now I was diagnosed with depression. I won’t bore you with the details but I got better and things are now pretty much back ...
I have often said to Maz that the person you will be in five years time is not the same person that you are now. Things change and your vi...
This week we have a new member to the thirtysomething club as our friend Paul hit the big 30 on Saturday. To celebrate this landmark of ag...
I have a bit of a confession, there is another woman in my life other than Maz and her name is Kate Nash. For anyone who doesn't kn...
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